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HGA - the first port of call for governor & clerk support in and around Herefordshire


Herefordshire Governors' Association was established many years ago, originally as a voluntary-led, non profit organisation simply to connect governors in Hereford.

In more recent times, school governance legislation has changed, traditional LA-led support has diminished and demands on governors have steadily increased.  Members requested more of their association, and HGA evolved into what is now the primary facilitator of non-profit governor training and support within our county and also further afield. Our members benefit from the security and strength of being part of a larger collective whilst fully retaining their own individuality. All members have access to governor support & information, professional CPD governor & clerk training, our governor forums, seminars and mentoring.


Fully professional governor training at low-cost


Our objective is to enable all members to have the required tools, sufficient knowledge and understanding of their role to be able to undertake their duties effectively. We believe support and training are crucial to governing boards, and that all should have access to fully professional accredited training, either for free, or at as sufficiently as low a cost as to be accessible to as many schools as possible. To facilitate this, we work with a number of different providers from out of county, negotiating the best possible prices for our governors and clerks. Unlike some organisations, we are not a profit-making company; we don't pay big salaries or provide company cars for example, and so are able to pass on subsidies straight to members. This goes directly to our objective: to provide a viable support service to clerks and governors without them wasting school funds on unnecessary costs.


Information & Advice


In providing a support and information service our team consult on a regular basis with other organisations such as: our own national body (the NGA); the DfE; the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA); the Association of School & College Leaders (ASCL); teaching unions; Ofsted; the CE and RC diocesan authorities; and ACAS, to name but a few. We constantly 'fact-check' to ensure accuracy, and will challenge misinformation if we believe it may be unhelpful or damaging to our members. We always ensure confidentiality, and may act on behalf of our members as intermediaries if requested.



HGA is independent of any local authority funding or management, and is completely non-political; providing reliable, impartial information & support for GBs of all school categories.

HGA is a non-profit organisation funded by members
providing help & support to Governors, Trustees & Clerks
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